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How To Supply Dockerd Options?

It seems that docker do not read this initital con. My assumption is the apt repository package does not provide a proper docker systemd unit file yet? For me, my settings were simply located in /etc/systemd/docker file.

How To Supply Dockers Options On Line

How to supply dockers options on iphoneHow To Supply Dockerd Options?

Hello I have problem with remove dead docker containers: root @ bespokeworktoptool3 /root ### docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES root @ server /root ### docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 79ae723f9f1c docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.2.2 '/bin/bash bin/es.' 3 weeks ago Dead elasticsearch a31ce7855461 mobz/elasticsearch-head:5 '/bin/sh -c 'grunt.' 3 weeks ago Dead elasticsearchhead f2b27b8bc383 teamzeus/remote-syslog:0.19 '/bin/sh -c 'watch.'